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Web Marketing Today Shares 15th Anniversary with Commercial Internet

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Editors Note: Photos and a video are included with this Press Release.

Sacramento, CA (Marketwire) November 10, 2009 -- The Internet's expansion into popular use had a drastic impact on culture and commerce.  Applications such as near-instant communication by electronic mail (e-mail), text based discussion forums, and the World Wide Web changed the way we do business. The commercial Internet is now 15 years old and one of the pioneers of Internet marketing, Dr. Ralph Wilson, shares that anniversary. Web Marketing Today is celebrating its 15th year of demystifying Internet marketing for small and medium businesses.

Dr. Wilson's first business venture back in 1995 was designing and building websites for small and medium businesses, but he soon found that these entrepreneurs  needed help to market their businesses online.  At that time web marketing was unknown territory.

Web Marketing Today features practical, how-to articles written by subject experts with hands-on experience.  The site contains more than 100 video interviews with expert speakers at major Internet marketing conferences.  The content of the site focuses on what people are actually adopting online and how a small business can implement and profit from these ideas and tools.  The goal is to give readers practical, how-to advice they can put into use immediately.

For more information please visit http://www.wilsonweb.com

Dr. Wilson's Web Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

Get a professionally designed website. Your site needs to present the best possible face to the world.  It's the 'store front' of your business today.  A good website builds credibility and trust.  Use a content management system so that you can change and add content to the site yourself.

Make sure the site content is optimized for search engines.  If people can't find you then you are missing out on lots of business. Many web designers still do not offer SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Title tags are the most important factor and the content on the page has to align with your title tags.

Start an email newsletter or a blog that people can sign up for by email.  Use this vehicle to stay in touch with people and build a relationship with them. Use an email newsletter service -- they are not expensive and make it very easy to do yourself.

15th Anniversary Subscription Gift

To mark the 15th anniversary, anyone who subscribes to the Web Marketing Today newsletter receives six e-books/whitepapers that cover the basics of Internet marketing -- a $50 value.  This includes his most requested item: The Web Marketing Checklist - 37 Ways to Promote Your Website.


"Ralph Wilson's newsletter was one of the first that I signed up for when I started in this industry and I still read it today.  I would not be where I am today, and as respected as I am today, without his initial guidance.  This newsletter is a must-read. Dr. Wilson really cuts through the clutter."  -- Bryan Eisenberg, recognized authority and pioneer in online marketing and ClickZ's ROI Marketing columnist

"Web Marketing Today is an amazing resource for small and medium sized businesses to figure out how to succeed online. It covers all aspects of online marketing -- SEO, link building, social media and analytics."  -- Jim Sterne, Founder of Web Marketing Association (WMA) and director of the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit

"Dr Ralph Wilson has been for me a memorable guide and mentor into my discovery of effective online marketing techniques. I like how Ralph writes in a simple, straightforward language, and strives to help those that, while non-technical, really want to master the web. Thanks Ralph for being out there." -- Robin Good, publisher of MasterNewMedia.org



For more information or to schedule an interview with Dr. Wilson contact:

Sally Falkow
Expansion Plus
626 793 4911




| Bkmrk

Dr. Wilson's Recommendations